Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Do you know how much power is in praying?

I have come to realize that I need to pray constantly day in and out and it helps. I pray to get through each day, sometimes each hour of work. My need for God's mercy is growing and changing. I don't consider myself to be a religious person but I obviously believe in a higher being. I honestly don't know the story behind the the bible, the events that took place, who said and did what. All I know is that there has to be someone watching over us everyday.

Think about all the things that could have been and probably should have but wasn't. Who do you think is behind that. Its not a matter of "good luck" or you just so happen to make the right decision. It was God's favor that intervened. At some point you have to recognize this and give thanks for it all.

With prayer you also have to realize that you get what you put out. You cant ask for good things to happen to you and you are a negative person or you don't ever stop to help others whenever possible. Positive things come from prayer when your heart is also in the right place. The law of attraction is very real.

Prayer is powerful and it works! We are experiencing hard economic times as a nation.
Even though people are struggling financially and in other ways, somehow we manage to vote in our first black president. Which was no mistake! That is the power of prayer and positive thinking, and tangible evidence of faith that many had to make it happen.

From this day forward make it a priority to put God first and pray. Thank him for everyday you wake up, thank him for food shelter, your health and if one person loves you thank him for that as well. Tell him you appreciate him and that you love him. He will in turn smile at you with his blessings. Stay positive and know that all things are possible through him.

I would love to hear from you. Send emails to

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