Just be happy for me!
It is truly amazing to me how people think. We as a society have gotten so comfortable with everything that is considered "normal". Our way of thinking is so traditional, that anything else is viewed as stupid, weird, crazy, or any other demeaning word used, simply describes the person that thinks it as being simple minded.
I am annoyed (not upset) at some of the responses only because I thought that when you tell someone something good, they would just be happy for you. Never thought that the details of my happiness should or would determine how happy they would be for me. It has lead me to wonder, either some don't believe in what I do or some think that if I'm not getting paid for it then I'm not that good at what I do, but if I am getting paid for it they are surprised. Just think, if you won the lottery, wouldn't you think that people would be happy for you simply because you won? The amount shouldn't determine how happy others would be for you.
I want to explain some things. I understand that to many people writing is something that is never thought about. Writing is one of those things that you know people do, because everything single thing you read, somebody wrote it. From the ingredients on food boxes to magazine articles. I guess nobody stopped to think that the person behind writing everything you read may have gotten paid for it or maybe they didn't but, its what they wanted to do so with that being said, what's it to you?
I am fascinated by the way people process information. I want to give some of you something to think about. My goal is to be self-employed. I have had to clean an apartment for free in order to get a contract with a company. Once I got the contract, I understood that the way I continued to do business, as far as my work ethic and attitude, would determine how long my contract lasted and the potential I would have with others in the business, because word of mouth is a form of marketing. The type of marketing you do depends on your business, however, every business requires clientele. People will talk about you if your work or product is good or bad. The good word of mouth is the type of free marketing that has big returns. Sometimes giving something free along with a pleasing personality, and positive thinking goes a very long way. People will do business with those they believe in and can trust. It's also obvious when people do things just for the money. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for what you do, but when you actually like and take pride in what you do it makes a huge difference and it shows.
There is a saying,"Do what you love and never work another day in your life". Maybe I am one of those rare people who believe that if your heart is in what you do, getting paid for it is a bonus. Its like the ultimate compliment. Imagine, for a minute, about how great your life would be if you did what you loved and were compensated well for it, especially if it's something you would do for free.
My sixth grade math teacher used to tell us everyday at the end of class "remember, if you can't say anything good, don't say nothing. For those of you who are thinking that I should just keep it to myself, maybe you are right, or maybe it wouldn't kill you to just be happy for someone else for once. You see, I know it's impossible to please a crowd. I think apart of me lives in a world where people are just happier. I've also learned over time that you have to be a strong minded person or you'll crumble when people around you become negative.
This time I'm not interested in your thoughts and comments. Thanks for reading!
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