Thursday, June 19, 2008

What To Do After A Break Up


Unfortunately breaking up with someone doesn't come with a how to manual and if it did men
wouldn't read it anyway. There are millions of reasons why people break up. Whatever the case may be, feelings don't go away over night. Its hard to except someone didn't love you as much as you loved them. Do not blame yourself for anything. To know that you've given your best and that wasn't good enough is a heart breaker in itself!

However life goes on and the road to recovery involves some mental and physical changes. Its normal to be emotional and upset because this was someone you truly cared about. You know the saying, " things happen for a reason". Its not your place to find that reason, trust God and thank him for it. Now you can think about yourself and what makes you happy.

Now it's time to celebrate! Redecorate your living space without his/her pictures. Don't feel guilty about it, the memories in your heart will last forever (if you want them to). Reinvent yourself! The goal is to create a new love for yourself and make him/her hate themselves the next time they see you. Remember the beautiful person that you are and don't let anyone change you. The person who wronged you missed out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.